Serietecknarna tv

Here you can see Amalia in the Swedish television report.
a film by Åsa Sandzén.

Note: It is only available until April 24, 2022.


March 8 interview with Amalia Alvarez


Every year before March 8, Kultwatch interviews people from the cultural world who inspire us with their relationship to feminism. This year, the turn has come to the comic creator Amalia Alvarez, whose socially realistic graphic novels and individual comics often depict precarious women’s lives. She is currently working on her third book.

I organize myself in a collective of women, where a majority are from Abyayala and ”Indigenous”. We collect and take care of the stories we get from our daily lives and I then have the task of presenting them in comic format. We call this Representativity, where we ourselves tell the core of the stories, and where we recognize ourselves in the stories and the collective can recognize the stories as ours. For us, Representativity is important in the political anti-racist comics, because if we allow others, who have not suffered racism, to tell our stories, then what David Theo Goldberg and Philomena Essed call ”cultural cloning” will be reproduced and our voices will continue to be invisible. The stories I draw are not mine, they are the result of a collective. I draw stories about people made invisible by the white supremacy.

What feminist role models would you like to highlight?

– Mother Earth is my biggest inspiration, and then millions of people that I meet and get to know through their daily struggles. One example is my Muslim neighbors who fight against racism that want to make them victims and criminalize their partners and sons. Another example is my undocumented transsexual comrades who are constantly being persecuted and who still believe that a world without hatred is possible. I am inspired by ”Las mamai” from my country Lickana, from my people Lickanantay, who resist the pollution of the air, the holy rivers, against the racism of the nation state that dehumanizes us. I am also inspired by ”Las mamai” in the jungle and mountains that have fought for hundreds of years, and give their lives to protect the environment. A struggle that Europe is constantly trying to hide, because they know that the real heroes exist outside of Europe. My inspiration is the black women of Abyayala, those who enter into alliances with us ”AmerIndians” or the indigenous people to defend the lives of their families. I am inspired by the ”Native American” mothers who suffer the worst thing for a woman, the theft of their children. This is in the light of the fight they are doing in Wallmapu, in the south of what is called Chile. I grew up with women in precarious situations, and it is they and their struggles that inspire me.

Utställning Identitet

Welcome to our exhibition: 21 oktober – 6 november 2019 – Panora/Malmo
The exhibition will be in English, Spanish and swedish.

I´m Amalia Alvarez and I´m the creator of this exhibition, which tries to highlight the feeling of being a non-white artist and person in a society where we are constantly surrounded by whiteness in every situation of our daily life. To always see white people in the role of heroes, and never people that look like oneself. At best we see ourselves as assistants of the white hero, but in most cases we´re not even in the picture, and when we are, then we´re presented as villains, stupid or as clowns. We get to represent everything that is bad and white people get to represent everything that is good. So, this exhibition is for you that are tired of always being described as the error, the stranger and a problem. Off course it is my hope and belief that there will be people who are racialized as whites who can understand and stand behind the content of the exhibition. People who know the difference between whiteness and being racialized as white.
Where: Panora Malmo. to exhibition



Day of the abolition of slavery in Sweden

On a day like today, October 9, 1847, the island in the Caribbean ”San Bartolomé” was freed from Swedish slavery. San Bartolome, also called by natives and sambos such as Ouanalao.

(Just to meditate: abolition of slavery: Haiti 1793, Chile 1823, Sweden 1847 United States 1863-1865)
This poster is part of the exhibition ”Identity” which will be shown at the cinema Panora Malmo during October 21 – November 6, 2019
#idagminnsjag #afrosvenska #afrosvenskaröster #svenskaserier #serieskapare #swedishcomic
#panora_malmo #identiteten #identitet #ickevitaroster #amaliaalvarez

by Amalia Alvarez

Angereds bokmässa 2019

Den 21 september pa Kulturhuset Blå Stället, Angereds Torg 13 Kl. 12.30-13.30 ”REPRESENTATIVITET OCH ANTIRASISTISKA POLITISKA SVENSKA SERIER”
Målet med workshopen är att tillsammans reflektera över rasism och privilegier. Vi kommer att diskutera vad strukturell rasism är, hur rasism kan identifieras och genom praktiska exempel förstå hur det fungerar i praktiken.
Hur? Genom att presentera den svenska seriescenen utifrån ett icke vitt och icke eurocentristiskt perspektiv. Hur seriernas bilder normaliseras, vissa aspekter och rasistiska element, där rasismen används för att etablera vitheten. Amalia kommer att introducera oss för de svenska serierna och hur uppfattningen om ”den andre” normaliseras. Amalia och Lisa kommer även att tala om hur de själva arbetar med representation i sina serier.
och Kl. 14.50-15.10 ICKE-VITA RÖSTER
Har ska kollektivet Tinkuy ska
snacka om en gemensam kamp inom antirasism, dekolonial och intersektionell feminism. Vi uttrycker oss huvudsakligen på spanska men också på andra språk. De är aktivister, artister och skriver med olika erfarenheter. Vi, ska ha vart material pa ett bord, och Det finns andra workshops och intressanta samtal och utstallningar. sa Bienvenides!
Angereds bokmassan here:



Exhibition in Santiago de Chile

Memory, resistance and gender, from the dictatorship to the transition in Chile.
It is one of the most important works that I have had to draw. These drawings are part of the academic study done by the University of Chile. Tomorrow my drawings will be exposed and academics will talk about this important research work.

Cartel Londres 38 OFICIAL

Den jobbiga blatte

Den jobbiga ”blatten”, görs av oss som blir kallade ”den jobbiga blatten” när vi frågasätter vitheten. Serierna är inspirerade av bidrag från vänner, bekanta, kontakter, grannar, i kön på migrationsverket, etc. Idéen är att alla ”jobbiga blattar” ska kunna delta.

Created with GIMP by Amalia Alvarez
Created with GIMP by Amalia Alvarez

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